Saturday, 18 February 2012


Thanks to everyone over the years and all of you we saw last night. There was a moment during "Irrereversible" where I looked out and saw hundreds of people going nuts dancing with balloons; one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.


P.S. Cheers to Eva for the photo. We'll post some other stuff here as the good stuff trickles in.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

THE END: 27 hours to go...


A third preview for tomorrow's sob-filled shenanigans courtesy of the ever-excellent KNEEL BEFORE ZOD:

And have that much-promised LAST EVER interview with Pawl Klotschkow/Kalashnikov at Left Lion:

Until tomorrow!

Monday, 13 February 2012

THE END: Four days to go...

Dunno if you already saw it, but another ridiculously generous review of SOUVARIS SOUVARIS SOUVARIS, courtesy of Mr Tommy Dski, is at Pocket Jury: Thanks Tommy, the cheque's in the post!

Also check out the wholly accurate words about Kogumaza; an amazing band that we just so happen to be looking forward to sharing a stage with on Friday at The End Of This Band:

Obligatory Facebook event here:

We've also done a final interview with Pawl Kalashnikov which should appear in next month's Left Lion. Think of it as a final eulogy. We can't promise that it will be any more enlightening than Dick Venom's...

Oh, and if you think this is all we've done recently you're wrong. We just got back from playing our principle Roadie Thing One's wedding, helped out by special guests Eleanor Lee and Christopher Baldwin. Spot the ex-Souvarian on Kerry King-besting guitar solo duties:

Friday, 10 February 2012

THE END: One week to go

Bloody hell. In 8 days' time this band will not exist. It's hard to process.

We heard that some people were getting charged a fiver a ticket when they bought in advance from certain outlets. This has now rectified... if you did get charged a fiver, let us know and we'll ensure you're refunded your pound at the door on Friday.

We've been in touch with various friends and families as we make plans to HAVE A GODDAMNED PARTY on Friday night. It's going to be messy and we look forward to joining you at the heart of it. Personally, I can't wait to see Kogumaza busting out some new material and Gareth Hardwick playing something so new and secret that he can't tell me any details about it! Oh, and seeing YOU there.

See you in a few days.
